In this section, we have collected answers to the most frequently asked questions about our Rapira series products and electronic warfare services. If you do not find the answer to your question, please contact our support team.

Yes, we have a professional measuring laboratory for this purpose.

Yes, our product has an appropriate level of protection against FPV UAVs. But it's worth remembering that no electronic warfare device can give you a 100% guarantee.

Rapier products are intended for use exclusively on vehicles.

All the jamming modules we use for the production of EW RAPID meet the parameters required to affect the receiver located on the UAV. It is also worth noting that all modules are subject to technical control.

All of our products are equipped with a control panel with a current consumption indicator. You will be able to evaluate whether the EW is working or not.
We believe that it is necessary to measure in more detail in stationary laboratory conditions.

Maybe we should rely on the analyzers and then on everything else, it seems very energy-consuming.
Thank you for your question, we are working on it now. But the issue of EW (electronic warfare) is not used by us yet.

We do not use cloverleaf antennas and do not recommend it. The cost of assembling the device depends on many factors, such as the cost of the module, housing, DC-DC converters, antennas, etc.

We have not tested this product, and of course we do not recommend anything other than our Rapira product. However, if you submit your product for testing, we will be able to check it in our laboratory.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, each antenna corresponds to a specific wavelength and has its own resonance at its own frequencies. That is, the antenna that worked at 800 MHz will never be able to work at 2.4 GHz, because it is a different wavelength and different VSWR. Your transmitter will fail.

It would be ideal to provide everything, but of course, you need to have a lot of appropriate jamming modules. That's why we're pushing purely control. Besides, video analog is not so easy to set.

We use GAN solutions. Despite the fact that they consume more power, they have proven to be more reliable.

We can produce a product that will suit you according to your specifications. Given that it will be a single product, we can discuss the cost separately.

Thank you for your question, we will work on your suggestion in the next releases of the tool.

We recommend a purely quadrophilar. But with so many jamming modules, you need to have a powerful generator and a good battery in the car.

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