We are launching our new EW product, named ASGARD, into production

We are launching our new EW product, named ASGARD, into production

As part of our ongoing product improvement, RAPIRA has developed an updated electronic warfare system for countering unmanned aerial vehicles, named ASGARD.

Initially, our approach relied on using separate blocks for each frequency band, which proved effective over time and was even adopted by competitors.

However, further research revealed significant limitations in covering the 300-1100 MHz frequency range with separate blocks due to physical size and energy consumption constraints.

In response, our team developed an innovative solution that covers the 700-1100 MHz range using multipolarization technology.

The new system retains the benefits of modular design but is now based on the ASGARD complex. For expanded capabilities, the system can be supplemented with RAPIRA+ modules operating in the 400-500 MHz and 500-600 MHz bands. Additionally, the jamming modules have been significantly enhanced with advanced algorithms instead of simple timers.

These innovations enable us to offer more effective and compact solutions for protecting against modern UAV threats.

You can review the technical specifications via the link.

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